Whenever a new neighbor moves in, it can be a particularly tough time for them as they try to settle and cope with the new environment. As a responsible neighbor, you may take it upon yourself to facilitate their comfort by doing them a few favors. There are many ways you can help ease their transition. Below are a few options to consider.


Help with heavy cleaning duties

Cleaning the house and property for the first time after moving in is a daunting task. If the neighbor has opted to do it themselves rather than hiring professional cleaners, you may offer to lend them a hand and help them with demanding tasks such as cleaning the house, clearing the compound, and arranging items in the house. Offering such help is one of many good neighborhood practices and will grant you an opportunity to get to know your neighbors better.


Sharing crucial information

As the neighbor settles down in a new area, the first few weeks can be tough for them. You may take this opportunity to provide them with some information as relates to the area, such as where to find law enforcement services, entertainment, schools, convenience stores, and other basic and utility services. Additional tips such as the general security of the area are crucial in ensuring that the neighbor settles down as seamlessly as possible. This tactic is especially useful if you have lived in the area for some time. Consider the resources you regularly use and share their locations with your new neighbors; doing so will help them feel more welcome and infomed.


Giving them a ride

In case you drive and your neighbor doesn’t, you may extend the courtesy of asking them if they are going in the same direction as you are. This favor may come in handy when helping a neighbor who travels in the area often. You may also want to extend some favors such as asking the neighbor if they need anything from the stores or supermarkets before you head back home. Minimizing the need for separate trips can help your neighbor trust you more and limit your carbon footprint.


Practice accountability

You should always endeavor to practice accountability policing over their property and family. For instance, if the neighbor’s children come back from school and find the house locked, you may have to take them in as you wait for the neighbor’s arrival. In addition, you should endeavor to watch over the neighbor’s property and ward off any would-be intruders. Practicing such acts of good neighborhood helps make your neighbor feel loved while promoting peaceful coexistence. This aspect of being a good neighbor goes beyond common courtesy; you should make your neighbor feel that you are trustworthy and reliable, thereby making them feel safe.